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Mount Carmel Girls Secondary School
Schools in Ikare make the best of what they have but there is always a shortage of supplies like notebooks, writing materials, school bags, classroom furnitures and computers. Through our charity organization, Ikare Progressive Charity, we will work with you to arrange for shipping a container-full of these essentials to Nigeria and also handle the distribution. All your donations are tax deductible.
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85 cents of every dollar you donate go into our project expenses used for programs that benefit the town of Ikare and its residents.

Your contributions go far!
Ikare Progressive Charity USA, Inc. is the non-profit arm of Ikare Progressive Association, USA. Your donations to us are tax deductible.
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Connect with Us:
Ikare needs you!
How You Can Help:
Ikare Progressive Association, USA.
Ikare Progressive Charity USA, Inc.
PO Box 22, Clifton Heights, PA 19018. USA.
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Ikare Progressive Association is the parent organization of the NGO, Ikare Progressive Charity. All donations are tax deductible. Logos and “okun o ‘moye” are copyrights.2017©